There’s an actual ‘Support Ten Walls’ Facebook group now

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No one likes a fuck boy.

At least that’s what I thought until I woke up this morning and there was an actual Support Ten Walls group on Facebook. We all know that Ten Walls – dance music’s fuckboy-in-chief – said some disgusting stuff and we were all completely disappointed and utterly unconvinced by the half-arsed apology that followed. Anyone with half a brain knows it’s best not to dwell on the pathetic outpourings of some twat with a brain the size of baked bean and since then he’s been dropped from his booking agency, taken off the bills of countless festivals and been parred by a plethora of the world’s most revered independent record shops. In no uncertain terms, his career has taken a pretty fucking irreversible nosedive.

Well, apparently, some people out there aren’t too happy that they’re favourite bigot has gotten exactly what he deserves. Some people actually want to reach out to Ten Walls. The Facebook group popped up this morning and already had around 5,500 members at the time of writing. 5,500. That’s five and a half thousand people who think it’s OK to compare homosexuality to pedophilia. Five and a half thousand people who think it’s OK to promote homophobic rhetoric. Five and a half thousand complete and utter space wasters.

As if to add insult to injury they’ve actually had the audacity to suggest that people print out variations on the Keep Calm t-shirt in the wake of Ten Walls’ absolute nightmare. As if that’s not bad enough in itself the t-shirts are emblazoned with the phrase Keep Calm and Walk With Elephants. A quick Google (or an in depth knowledge of the gay group sex scene) would turn out some results that the people who would actually wear those t-shirts wouldn’t be so quick to promote.

Perhaps it’d be better not to mention that though…