Californian twins Wyatt and Fletcher Shears are a very intriguing pair indeed. Their jarring, goth inflected punk is like nothing you’re likely to hear this side of the distant future. Breakbeats and haunted synths twist around gnarled bass lines and hollered, howled lyrics about drinking souls, playing with knives and personal conflicts. All the while, they tell us, they’re living in their own self-created universe defined by their self-inflicted genre; Vada Vada.
The new video for This Could Build Us A Home is a pretty hectic affair, all night-vision and vomit. The band’s macabre lyrics roll across the images like demented subtitles for a snuff film from another universe. It’s totally safe for work though, honest. We spoke to Fletcher and Wyatt about the video and we’re premiering it for you below. Check it out right now.
Hi The Garden, how are you?
Fletcher: It’s the morning, so I don’t have an answer that will suffice.
Wyatt: I feel great. All smiles over here.
Crazy video. Can you talk us through your thinking behind it?
F: No premature plans for this video, all thinking was on the spot, which is usually how we create.
W: It was a lot of fun. Great to work with Bernie Mac on that one.
What was the song inspired by?
W: This song revolves around two themes. The first is concerning this project (The Garden) and what will become of it. The second is concerning personal conflict with another person.
So what is ‘vada vada’?
F: Vada Vada is our self inflicted genre. It is what we have collectively created around ourselves. Not a bubble, but a definition in a way. We use it in many different senses and it has become our sort of universe.
When did you start making music together?
F: When we were in the 4th grade.
Your music is pretty hectic and kinda dark. Does it reflect your personalities?
F: Our music always portrays our personalities and thinking. We don’t talk about what we don’t know about or haven’t experienced.
W: Sometimes it is just fun to tell a story.
We imagine you were a bit of a handful growing up. Did you ever get in trouble?
F: We were quiet, shy, well mannered kids. But seemed to get in trouble at home often.