Moschino feature first boy ever in their Barbie ad

The brand have made a statement on gender roles in the promo for their fashionable new doll

Why do little boys have to play with toy guns and cars while girls play with tea sets and princess dolls? Gender expectations dictate so many of the choices we make every day, but Moschino have made a small dent in the girl domination of Barbie’s advertising so far by introducing the first little boy ever featured in a Barbie advert into their 30-second ad.

Hopefully adverts like this one will encourage new ways of looking at how gender binaries shouldn’t matter when we pick out toys for kids. The heart-warming photos of little girls dressed up as the Rihanna-voiced Tip from Home show how important representation in the media is for children – and hopefully this ad will have the same effect.

See the ad above.