Brighton-based photographer Ben Gore has released a peek of his ‘Grimemon’ series including Skepta, JME, Wiley and more
We already know JME is kind of Poké-obsessed – he’s featured on the official Pokémon YouTube channel talking about his love for the adored avatars, and zoomed around London to swap shiny Charizards for copies of his debut LP, Integrity>.
Possibly riffing on this fact, Brighton-based photographer and artist Ben Gore has created a series of grime acts reimagined as Pokémon cards. The eight cards revealed so far feature Big Narstie as Snorlax, Tempa T as Geodude, Wiley as Meowth, Ghetts as Abra, Section Boyz as Exeggcute, Newham Generals as a duo version of Dugtrio, and man of the moment, Skepta, as Hitmonchan. Gore has promised a full series of twenty cards to be released next month.
Check out the series so far in the gallery below, and check out more of Ben’s work over on his blog and website.