Princess Nokia involved in altercation at Cambridge University gig

Princess Nokia allegedly hit an audience member in the face when headlining the Cambridge University Charity Fashion Show.

The Cambridge Student reports that the rapper, whose real name is Destiny Frasqueri, begun her set by saying, “there are so many beautiful women of colour in here tonight”, before ending the set during her third song.

According to The Cambridge Student‘s witness accounts, Fasqueri then asked an audience member “are you being disrespectful?”, threw her drink over him, and jumped off stage before hitting him three times. According to gal-dem, Fasqueri also told the crowd, “I’m so sorry, but when a white boy disrespects you, you punch him in the fucking face.”

It is unclear whether or not the incident was provoked by the audience member. The audience member who was hit told The Cambridge Student: “I was standing in the audience and was told by a fellow audience member that the name of the performer was ‘Abigail’. Given that I was enjoying the performance, I shouted out ‘Let’s go Abigail!’. After I shouted this, she came down from the stage. She slapped me and threw drinks on me.”

One audience member took to Twitter to recount the incident which you can view below. Initially, Fasqueri retweeted this statement but has since un-retweeted.

A comment-piece on the incident has also been published on FLY., Cambridge’s network for women of colour. The piece is co-authored by the network’s facilitator Richelle George. George wrote of the incident, “Though many of the attendees of the Fashion Show continued to party and enjoy the entertainments of the night, she was left shaken by an incident that will inevitably shape her perception of Cambridge.”

Update: GAIKA has published a series of tweets prompted by the incident. Have a read through them below.

GAIKA discusses his experiences of white privilege and microaggressions in Crack’s dual cover story with Dean Blunt which you can read here.

We will update this story as we learn more.