As teased yesterday (29 May) via A.G. Cook’s Instagram story, new material from Post-Soviet rapper Tommy Cash drops today.
Taking inspiration from Chris Cunningham – the legendary music video director who’s created groundbreaking visuals for Aphex Twin and Autechre – Tommy Cash releases his Little Molly track today (30 May), produced by felicita and A.G. Cook, released via PC Music.
The accompanying video showcases a surreal world in which every character is Cash himself. With special effects created by Denis Strahhov at Denhov Visuals, dancers have been superimposed with Cash’s face. Families are made of Cash. School classes are made of Cash. A bride and groom both appear as the Estonian rapper.
The concept is based on the premise of every child being an artist – “the problem is not staying an artist when you grow up”. Cash adds, “Imperfection is perfect and we should embrace it.”
Watch the video via the player above.