Back recently with an updated version of their 2014 knockout Red Sex, this time with Rakhi Singh, for this mix Vessel pivots to a completely different side to their repertoire; whisper-quiet where often there’s intense noise. Using bossa nova as a basis, it’s both a gorgeous and unsettling offering.
“[Brazilian jazz musician and bossa nova star] Tom Jobim said something about being more influenced by Debussy and Ravel than American jazz music,” says Vessel. “This thought wandered [my mind], and eventually bore fruit in the form of this mix.”
Crack Mix 362: Vessel
Crack Mix 362: Vessel
Back recently with an updated version of their 2014 knockout Red Sex, this time with Rakhi Singh, for this mix Vessel pivots to a completely different side to their repertoire; whisper-quiet where often there’s intense noise. Using bossa nova as a basis, it’s both a gorgeous and unsettling offering.
“[Brazilian jazz musician and bossa nova star] Tom Jobim said something about being more influenced by Debussy and Ravel than American jazz music,” says Vessel. “This thought wandered [my mind], and eventually bore fruit in the form of this mix.”