News / / 04.07.13


SOFT WILL (Mom + Pop)


Smith Westerns’ third album largely abandons much of their T-Rex mimicking, opting instead for pure and sensuous, richly textured and layered guitar songs. If you found Foxygen too derivative or just plain annoying in their relentless referencing, then this might be the record that restores your confidence in that kind of hazily-paced, densely textured indie music.

Continually lusting for times past, it’s an album that’s ridden with emotive nostalgia without dipping too far into other bands’ pockets. What we’re left with is a record that combines psychedelic-era Beatles textures with ‘70s soft pop fawning, ‘90s Britpop and heady Tame Impala guitars, ultimately leaving a sturdy, Smith Westerns-shaped stamp on the realm of alternative guitar music.

Best Friend is instantly memorable for its infectious, optimistic and summery guitar-bending riff, joined in a heavenly partnership with the loving chorus lyrics: “And you’re the one”. White Oath grabs you with glossy guitar chords, eventually leading up to a phenomenal ending of wild soloing, whilst the wishy-washy rhythm of Only Natural is a pleasant alternative angle to the band’s upbeat pop sentiments. At the heart of everything is the beautiful instrumental XIII, which opens as a Bowie-style piano ballad before ascending into thick, deep guitar chords in a truly emotive and meaningful departure from the predominantly pop sensibility. These are the mesmerising peaks, and while some of the tracks don’t quite possess quite so much sticking power, there’s no lull in Soft Will’s consistently impressive direction.


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Words: James Balmont