“Who needs reasons when you’ve got Radio 4?”
Listeners to Radio 4’s current affairs show Today were treated to something slightly off-brand this morning (25 January). Veteran BBC presenter John Humphrys closed the show with his own take of the famous ‘Choose Life’ monologue from Trainspotting.
There were, unsurprisingly, a few amendments made to the text, originally written by John Hodge and performed by Ewan McGregor back in 1996. The swearing was left out, while the memorable ending – “Who needs reasons when you’ve got heroin?” – became “Who needs reasons when you’ve got Radio 4?”
The tribute comes in the week that Trainspotting sequel T2: Trainspotting comes to cinemas. You can listen to Young Fathers’ brand new track taken from the soundtrack here.
Meanwhile, you can hear Humphrys take on the monologue below.
(via NME)