Village Underground launch urgent appeal for license application support

Village Underground

East London club Village Underground have asked for support in their application for a new license. The terms of which would allow the venue to remain open for longer on Friday and Saturday.

The change would see the club move its closing time from 4am to 6am on Friday and Saturday morning. According to an online statement, this “would enable [Village Underground] to continue presenting world-class live music and art – by moving loss-making live music and arts events off the valuable days in the week to make way for commercial events.” It would also mean that the club would remain open for longer on both Friday and Saturday, The reason for this change is to increase the financial viability of the venue, especially in the current climate of increasing rents.

You can help by voicing support for the venue’s application to Hackney Council. If you live or work in Hackney, or know friends, other businesses or influential groups, the VU team encourage you to spare five minutes to read the below, hit the link and send a short email to Hackney Council recommending that they grant the  license. You can also support by creating awareness via social shares of their online post below.

The deadline is 5pm (GMT) on 30 January.