The recordings were captured at their New Year’s Eve show at Ormside Projects as well as during a performance at Café Oto.
The piece featured in the videos, Cities Flower, is taken from Mica Levi’s latest work star star star – a collection of scores and scripts available as a 24-page pamphlet via Café Oto and published digitally by CURL Recordings.
The cast of both performances include Levi’s fellow CURL collective member Coby Sey plus other star star star collaborators Fred Bingly, Jackson Burton, Jessica Hickie-Kallenbach and performance maker Eve Stainton, for whom Levi has previously composed a live score. In the recording from Ormside, a ten pound note is passed around while the visuals from Café Oto feature a single daffodil traded from hand-to-hand alongside Levi’s composition.
Mica Levi is set to perform star star star at Bristol New Music in May. Revisit our The Collections Vol. 3 cover feature with Mica Levi and watch the performance of Cities Flower in the player above. You can also watch the Ormside Projects performance below.