“Music is a form of sci-fi, or a way to travel in time and space”: Caterina Barbieri and Félicia Atkinson on the transcendent power of music

The pair discuss sci-fi and Emily Dickinson, exploring non-linear notions of time through music and the power of nature

Caterina Barbieri: Spirit Exit review

Caterina Barbieri reacts to fear and existential uncertainty with an album’s worth of beautiful synth music that’s as tense as it is free

Caterina Barbieri live at ACCA Digital: A human deconstruction of technical boundaries

As part of ACCA Digital, in partnership with Brighton Digital Festival 2019, Caterina Barbieri used her technological prowess the emphasise, rather than obscure, her music’s humanity

5 artists drone

5 artists leading drone’s quiet revolution

From Caterina Barbieri to Ellen Arkbro, we look at the artists who are spearheading a new wave of drone