Singeli Movement: Greed For Speed homes in on two of the genre’s leading production houses – Sisso Studio and Pamoja Records.
A fundraiser has been launched for a new documentary on Singeli music – the dance music style characterised by its fast-tempos and frenetic beats, originating from Dar es Salaam in Tanzania. The upcoming film – which is currently in post-production – was directed by Jan Moszumański, who has also produced music videos for MC Yallah and Duma. It traces the origins of the Singeli movement and its context within Tanzanian history.
The production is made in collaboration with Nyege Nyege Tapes, who previously released a Singeli-rooted compilation entitled Sounds of Pamoja. In our review of the record, we said: “the project might prove to be the start of an addiction, for beneath the furious beats lies a spirit that is truly life-affirming and optimistic.”
Read more about the film and donate to the project here. Watch the trailer below.