Wifisfuneral Pain? Alamo Records
Six years of prolifically releasing music and Wifisfuneral has finally dropped what is being pitched as his debut album. The cover of Pain? sees the Florida rapper clutching an anatomically accurate heart – a stark image that promises an emotional narrative from a young star who has probed the torment of depression and drug addiction throughout his career (mixtape When Hell Falls is said to be based on a suicide note he penned.) Yet the album is unexpectedly devoid of introspective moments: End of Story covers a fracturing relationship without finding any unique angles; All In threatens to develop into a harrowing confessional as Wifisfuneral describes the tears running down his face and the pills in his system, but the track peters out as turns to bragging about sex and telling unnamed foes, “please get the fuck out my mentions”.
This flatness continues into the music. The trap beats and emo rap instrumentals are cold, minimalist and well made, but indistinct. And though Wifisfuneral’s vocals are polished as he switches between rapping and singing with grace, his voice doesn’t carry the same emotional resonance as fallen contemporaries Lil Peep and Juice Wrld. At least once he veers close to plagiarism – the extremely silly sex jam Back Ache features a section that mimics Future’s flow on Where Ya At.
There are highlights – Guy Like Me is a throwback R&B number with Wifisfuneral evoking the spirit of Omarion – but Pain? won’t lift the rapper out of the pack of South Florida SoundCloud rap stars seeking mainstream traction.