Melt! Festival is truly one of a kind

Melt! Festival is 17 years in the making.

One of Germany’s biggest and most world renowned festivals is returning for another year of music and fun set against a backdrop of cranes, trains and all manner of industrial machinery.

It takes place this year at Ferropolis, an hour’s drive from Berlin, on 17, 18 + 19 July. In the list below we’ve outlined the things that we think make Melt a unique and consistently brilliant festival.

This year they return to their incredible location with a host of incredible DJs, world class bands and of the biggest pop stars on the planet.

We love Melt, here’s why you should too.

The Location

Melt takes place each year in an industrial museum. Yes, you read that right. As you dance your way into the morning you can marvel at machines made for doing all manner of who-knows-what.

Giant cranes loom in the sky, enormous excavators tunnel towards the centre of the earth and everything is scattered around the shores of a truly beautiful lake.

If your idea of fun is being thrust into the middle of a Terminator-esque dystopian fantasy whilst listening to some of the best music in the world then Melt is the place for you.

The DJs

Melt always provides the best in after hours entertainment. This year you can look forward to the a host of talent including dance music stalwarts including Crosstown Rebels founder Damian Lazarus and the ever reliable techno mainstay Sven Väth.

Elsewhere on the line-up you can find fresh talent including Warp Records’ sound experimentalist Clark and prominent Chicago house selector and remixer The Black Madonna.

If none of that suits you then there are literally hundreds more acts, offering virutally every iteration of electronic goodness you can imagine, playing across the weekend.

Check out the website for a full list.

The Popstar

Gold hotpants, small but perfectly formed, used to be in Neighbours… No we’re not talking about Karl Kennedy. Yes, you heard right, the teeny tiny pop legend Kylie Minogue will be gracing the stage at this year’s Melt! and you should be as excited as we are.

Expect ostentatious props, multiple costume changes, and the ultimate in pop bangers just after midnight on Saturday’s Mainstage. Even the most fervent black metal enthusiast will feel the joy that the Aussie pop perfection possesses in her unashamedly glitzy stage show. Careful you’re not converted.

The bands

There’s about a million bands we’re raring to see at Melt this year, but let us focus in on just a few of our favourites.

Mogwai will be extremely loud, extremely big and extremely good, Ride will make their 90s shoegaze sound feel fresh and exciting all over again, and the psych pop of Gengahr will charm everyone in the lucky crowd­ – but as we said, there’s loads more to be getting on with.

Check them out over on the offical artist A-Z page.

The Love

Forget your fields of trash left over from the last night of any old festival you might be attending this summer – Melt! is far smarter than that. The clever people behind the festival have identified the massive amount of wasted energy generated by the festival industry, and they are striving to be better and do better.

In past years they’ve improved their approach to mobility, energy, recycling and upcycling, and this year they’ll be striving to do a whole lot more to keep the festival magic going without finishing up with a massive load of environmental damage at the end. Good guys.


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