Nearly there now companions, we’ve nearly done it.
Welcome back to Staying In, your problematic autographed magazine of content to see you through the weekend.
Despite everyone with a pulse and a diaphragm telling you they’ve had a shit year, it can’t be understated just how hellish two thousand and fucking sixteen has been.
This little wickerwork hamper should get you through for now. Magazine covers, opening frames, roundtable discussions and an introduction to grime’s new school. We’ve nearly made it. Hang in there. Stay strong. Stay in.

#StartingXX: 20 MCs and rappers to watch in 2017
Crack MagazineSpoken to a colleague about the grime resurgence at the work Christmas do? Concerned that your enthusiasm might look a little half-arsed if you don’t return in January clued up on a load of new artists? Fear not. Meet 20 British MCs and rappers set to explode over the next twelve months and get to know their bangers with a handy YouTube playlist. Read the full roundup here.
First and Final Frames
Jacob T. Swinney / NownessSplit into two parts (find part two here), this stunning video compilation pairs up the first and final shots of famous movies to create unique snapshots of some of the most loved films in history. If there’s films you haven’t seen it’s a total spoiler-alert bonanza so watch out for that. For the films you have seen, seeing the two frames side-by-side carries a real impact.

Acest Cover 2016/17
CoverjunkieIf, like us, you’ve got an insatiable obsession with magazine covers from all over the world, then Coverjunkie is the blog for you. Once a year, the cover emporium run a vote for the “Acest” creative covers of the year. Have a scroll through and select three of your favourites to vote. Or just scroll. Abstain and scroll.
#83: The 2016 Year in Music Episode
A Waste of TimeRounding off a year of in-depth interviews and general music-related nerding, ItsTheReal host this roundtable discussion of all things rap-related in 2016. Rookie of the Year, Comeback of the Year, Letdown of the Year, Best Live Show and MVP. All the juiciest debates handled by reps from The FADER, HOT97 and Atlantic Records leave politics at the door and get into it. If you happen to be spending Christmas with a family well versed in rap, R&B and Quavo guest-verses then steal your opinions from here.

My President Was Black
Ta-Nehisi Coates, The AtlanticTa-Nehisi Coates’ must-read 2015 book Between the World and Me was initially inspired by his first meeting with President Barack Obama. Now, The Atlantic have published Coates’ 17,0000 word article about Obama’s history, presidency and the legacy he’ll leave behind. One of of the many contributing factors to Coates’ popularity among young readers (you’ll recognise his voice sampled on Blood Orange’s track Love Ya) is his music knowledge, and this beautiful but tragic article is sprinkled with references to Common, Jay Z, and De La Soul, who while performing at Obama’s leaving party, “moved across the stage with a lovely mix of lethargy and grace, like your favorite uncle making his way down the Soul Trainline, wary of throwing out a hip.” Read his essay here.
FTD w/ Lena Willikens & Drakeford
NTS RadioOne of our favourite upcoming labels links up with one of our favourite selectors, with soaring tunes from rising Bristol-based producer Ploy, Krautrock legend Dieter Moebius and Tolouse Low Trax – co-owner and resident at Düsseldorf’s cherished Salon Des Amateurs, the club where Lena initially made a name for herself.

Crack Magazine 2016 Spotify Playlists
Crack Magazine / SpotifyYou can view all our end of year lists at but if you’re itching to get to the tunes then scroll through our Spotify playlists and soundtrack your final hours of 2016 at the workplace with our picks of the year. Get in formation.
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