Sunergy is the 13th instalment of RVNG Intl’s FRKWYS, a series that celebrates intergenerational collaboration. ln this case it links electronic pioneer Suzanne Ciani with contem- porary synth composer Kaitlyn Aurelia Smith. The collaboration is a result of a fateful meeting between the two esoteric musicians, who each share a particular passion for the buchla synthesiser, at a community dinner in Bolinas, California – a small town that for a short while they both called home. Bolinas is hemmed by the ocean; a constant idyllic image that, along with the lingering sun, drapes Ciani’s mirrored studio where this album began.
Much of Sunergy deals with these primal forces of energy. Its sparkling, unrefined softness sounds deceivingly earthy for an entirely electronic composition animated through a network of patch cables. A New Day sends ripples of water and light coiling around the room, while gentle breezes hiss over and above Closed Circuit.
Most of Sunergy’s charm is found in the natural energy between the two composers – it’s impossible to imagine a creative collaboration could sound this convincing without a spiritual unity between the two artists, and between their synths. The unfolding tracks are a success because they don’t set out to do anything: they’re improvised, organic and result from the bond of friendship and respect. Comprised of just two (three
if you count the bonus) tracks, and although extended in length, it’s still a fairly indulgent album. It’s not the best buchla music we’ve heard from either artist, but the notable collaboration carries a certain charm. Like RVNG Intl say; this release is “for heads, by heads.”