5 great videos of Beck from the 90s
90s Beck is the best Beck.
The thing is, since the 90s Beck’s gone all serious and while we do love serious Beck we really, really loved crazy 90s Beck. In honour of the man and all the things he used to do before he grew up we’ve thrown together this list of Beck’s top five video moments. Each one taken from the decade that gave us Weird Fish, flannel shirts and Daria.
Check out Beck’s finest 90s moments below.
Beck hangs out with Mike D and Jake Fogelnest
Beck loves Mike D. After his notorious interview with Thurston Moore he jammed with the Beastie Boy for a very strange live performance on 120 Minutes and later recorded a song with Mike and Jon Spencer.
In this video the pair strengthen their flame and discuss rumours that Mike D is Screech from Saved By The Bell’s brother. This actually happened.
Beck's insane video for Sexx Laws
Sexx Laws sees 90s Beck’s final moment of utter silliness. With a video featuring Jack Black in a rudely interrupted group therapy session, a horrific episode involving a humanoid washing machine and one of Beck’s finest outfits it’s a fitting epitaph for the Beck we knew and loved in the 90s.
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