Björk’s legacy can be felt in some way across all aspects of our cultural lives. Her influence is not limited to art-form nor continent and the effect is, more often than not, profound. We spoke to some of the collaborators, understudies and disciples who’s lives have been shaped by her presence.
Warpaint's Theresa Wayman
MusicianRecent Crack cover stars Warpaint have publicly cited Björk as an influence on their latest album Head’s Up. Frontwoman Theresa Wayman tells us what Debut meant to her
“I started listening to Debut when I was around 18. I felt, as probably many girls did, that she was speaking directly to me. She was expressing all the things that I wanted to say while also creating really deep, yet exciting music.”
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MusicianThe French artist is the latest signing to One Little Indian, the record label that has been Björk’s home for the last 30 years, having written to them personally off the back of her love of Björk. Her sound draws inevitable, and not unwarranted, comparisons.
“She made me realise that the only way to achieve something real is to stay quiet and listen to your little inner voice, because there lies your singularity – your unique essence. She’s so full of life energy, it’s overflowing. She’s an instinctive explorer, and she constantly comes back with a new, better version of herself. “
Jessica Hopper
WriterHopper became editor in chief of The Pitchfork Review in October 2014, a position she held until November 2015. During this time she wrote the seminal in-depth interview with Bjork: The Invisible Woman.
“Björk is a singular artist, like Prince, where her talent and vision is so exacting and otherworldly–that it removes us from this world and transports us into the pop unknown. Björk pulls greatness from her collaborators and also assumes we can rise to the challenges her work presents, and we do. It’s also just rewarding to bask in greatness, in female greatness that is unapologetic.”
Peter Stormare
ActorMost famous for roles in cult classics like The Big Lebowski and Fargo, Stromare appeared alongside Björk in Lars Von Trier’s 2000 film: Dancer In The Dark.
“She is such a talent on all levels – the passion and love she put into this character is more than anybody I’ve met in my profession. She is the best actress I’ve ever worked with. She’s the unicorn I always wanted to meet. And she will forever be one.”
MusiciansWarp artists patten are huge fans of Bjork and their freeform composition owes much to her influence. Last year Björk released their remix of Stonemilker.
“She’s like a beacon of strength and independence of vision. Her dedication to seeking out the new is obviously massive, but that’d be nothing without the confidence and curiosity to not hang on to anything too long – to just be able to throw it all away and start from scratch – just to see what might happen.”
Kelly Lee Owens
MusicianThe versatile KLO, having made several guest appearances in the last few years including on Daniel Avery’s Drone Logic, has been making waves in her own right since releasing her ode to Arthur Russell last year. She cites Björk as a huge influence
“She has never restricted herself or bowed to other people’s expectations, she has allowed herself to grow as an artist organically, and with that continued perhaps continued to excite herself and others in the process. She inspired me to stay true to having full creative control of my world.”
Lung Dart
MusiciansYoung London duo Lung Dart make soulfully kaleidoscopic music inspired by the likes of Scott Walker, Lonnie Holley and, of course, Björk. Their debut (mini) album As I Lay Drying was released on 2 September.
“She shows that you can be delicate and tough at the same time, that strength and fragility aren’t mutually exclusive. Her creativity seems endless, she understands the power of collaboration, she welcomes change and doesn’t need to revisit old ground”
Kati Yewell
IllustratorKati Yewell is an illustrator for Rookie Magazine and editor-in-chief of the Noisy Kids Zine. She cites Björk as her ultimate influence in art, through her use of colour and her command of emotion in her expressions in photographs.
“An artist who dances upon the beams of the art world, Björk is one of my most treasured idols. Though I am my own self, I would be lying if I said Björk hasn’t planted a little thought in all us artists. She taught me to care for the world more, to look at my work and, as I critique it, to ask if my message is being relayed enough that it will be even slightly understood.
I recently did a painting of Björk, because her eyes just seemed to be filled with an emotion I was trying to capture. I hope she sees it one day!”
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