DJ Sprinkles

DJ Sprinkles discusses Japan’s excessive censorship laws

How MTV snubbed Nicki and B

MTV’s VMA nominations are in. Taylor Swift has done very well. Nicki Minaj, on the other hand, hasn’t

Investigating ‘the sexiest summer festival’ of 2015

Its approach to festival gender politics is certainly… interesting

Dr. Tom Fritz

‘Jymmin’ – a cross between ‘Jammin’ and ‘Gym’ – takes us back to our origins when music making and physical work were often intertwined.

There’s an actual ‘Support Ten Walls’ Facebook group now

No one likes a fuck boy. At least that’s what I thought until I woke…

John Doran

John Doran recalls the anguish he suffered while writing Jolly Lad.

I Want A Sex Pistols Credit Card

At the beginning of this week an announcement was made by Virgin Money. They stated…

Perspective: Addison Groove remembers DJ Rashad

The producer celebrates the legacy of his late friend and collaborator

Perspective: Meredith Graves

The Perfect Pussy vocalist recalls her encounters with male chauvinists during live shows.

Perspective: Simon Price

Simon Price is one of the most respected (and loathed) music critics in the UK.

The Sound Of… Poll Truly Sucks

Planned obsolence for your cultural cravings

Annie Mac’s Twin Peaks rescore is a masterpiece

Fuck you Zane Lowe. Fuck you very much indeed.