We’ve curated a loops pack for Bandlab, with contributions from TSVI, Mor Elian, Parris and more

The sample pack includes 100 different loops from ten producers.

Crack Magazine has curated a loops pack for Bandlab – the free social app-based music making platform that gives creators access to free samples and loops packs they can make use of.

The first sample pack curated by a publication on the platform, Crack Magazine Loops Vol. 1 is live now and features contributions from TSVI, Adam Curtain, Parris, rRoxymore and Mor Elian. Those signed up to Bandlab can also access samples and loops in the pack from Velvet Velour, Wisdom Teeth co-founders Facta and K-LONE, Ploy and also Pressure Dome label owner Yushh.

Speaking on the importance of samples within his own work, TSVI says, “I consider sample packs to be a very important tool, especially when you’re starting out with music production. They can spark creativity and inspire new ideas. Samples are and always will be the backbone of my workflow – without them I would be lost.”

Bandlab is a free platform that aims to foster a community between creators, collaborators and fans, breaking down the technical, geographic and creative barriers. Head to Bandlab to sign up and download our loops pack for free.

See the full list of artists who have contributed loops below:

Adam Curtain
Mor Elian
Velvet Velour