Norwich duo Let’s Eat Grandma, comprised of childhood best friends Rosa Walton and Jenny Hollingworth, have been intriguing audiences since their first single Deep Six Textbook in 2016.
Their brand of goth-infused pop doesn’t sound quite like anything else around. With drawn-out synths, deadpan, childlike vocals and beats that range from soothing to frenetic (see: the SOPHIE-produced Hot Pink), Let’s Eat Grandma have carved out a special space in pop for themselves – one that sounds hyper-polished, yet incredibly opaque and real. As they gear up for the release of their second studio album I’m All Ears, we catch up with Rosa and Jenny to talk about the music that shaped them.
A song that reminds us of being in school
Rosa: A.G. Cook’s What I Mean [FMM, 2014] brings back memories of being in school, big time. I didn’t particularly share the fact that I was listening to PC Music with anyone else, I just kind of put my headphones on and went it alone. I don’t know what everyone else would have been listening to at that time – probably not that.
A record that inspired us to make music
Rosa: Frank Ocean’s Channel Orange [Def Jam, 2012]. There’s so much about that album that’s so good, it’s hard to even know where to begin. The best kinds of records are the ones you can listen to so many times and still find new and interesting elements with each listen – Channel Orange was a game changer.
A record that helped shape our political identity
Jenny: Rage Against the Machine, self-titled [Epic, 1992]. Bombtrack and Killing in the Name are huge tunes. There’s this performance where they do Killing in the Name live and it’s got this amazing energy to it. It talks a lot about police brutality and how the education system is really Eurocentric. When something makes you really angry it fits perfectly because politics, most of the time, are shit.
A song that makes us cry
Rosa: Breathe Me by Sia [Systemtactic, 2004]. It’s fucking heartbreaking, it’s real teenage tears. The bit where you just cry to “be my friend” and it’s just, like, the one day your friend is on holiday. It’s so melodramatic. We really love old Sia songs, though. It’s never a problem when an artist goes mainstream but Sia is the one artist where it’s like, ‘why did you do this?’. We also really love The Girl You Lost to Cocaine, because of the line ‘I am a girl with a lot on her plate’. We really felt that.
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