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Today (10 August), Stand Up To Racism UK has organised a national day of protest against the far-right.
Crack Magazine stands in solidarity with this protest. We stand in solidarity against racism in all its forms.
Here’s what else you can do this week:
Donate to British Red Cross, the UK’s largest independent provider of services for refugees, asylum seekers, vulnerable migrants and survivors of trafficking.
Email your local MP to encourage them to stand up against far-right rhetoric and prioritise community cohesion.
Ask your local councilors to join the Migrant Champions Network.
Read the Runnymede Trust ’s report on the mainstreaming of far-right values following the 2024 election.
Sign Stand Up To Racism’s Unity Statement.
Report perpetrators and help bring them to justice by emailing any photos or information you have to rightresponse@hopenothate.org.uk